PGASK was born in September 2009 under the status of « Auto-Enterprise », it is represented by the only employee and boss Peter Gaskell.
After a BEP and CAP in electrical engineering, Mr. Gaskell continued his studies in the same field until the BAC.
During various jobs (mostly in the sector of automotive industry and construction), Mr. Gaskell acquired many experiences both in the area of assembling line work and exercising his job as an electrician.
Passionate about informatics, Mr. Gaskell went back to school to get a BTS in business computing. Already interested in the « open-source » programming, he specialized in web programming based on « LAMP » technology. Throughout his studies, he went on acquiring the bases of a PC assembler : how to build a PC.
M.Gaskell created the AE PGASK, following two specific formations :
« Creation and Recovery of Business »
« Network Management Linux / Windows »